“Under certain circumstances, the FBI has the ability to bend or suspend the law and impinge on freedoms of others.”

I have spent a large portion of my blogging career criticizing abuses of authority. More specifically I have gone after various police departments across the nation for their unchecked aggression and brutality towards the public.

Evidence of gross police brutality and general misconduct is exploding across the nation. My articles Rampant Police Misconduct Police gone wild and New York cops behaving badly are all about horrific displays of violence and oppression at the hands of the authorities.

These abuses of authority are not isolated to a handful of municipal police forces. The FBI is getting in on the action. Good old fashioned racism and totalitarianism is alive and well at The Bureau.

Wired has obtained a letter sent to FBI director, Robert Mueller from Senate Judiciary Committee member, Dick Durbin. In the letter Senator Durbin is very critical of the FBI.

Posted below is  a short excerpt from Durbin’s correspondence to Mueller.

Bill Maher once said “Denying racism is the new racism.” It looks like the FBI can’t be bothered to deny anything. Their racism is right up in our faces.

More disturbing that the FBI’s membership in the good old boy network is their blatant disregard for the U.S. constitution. According to FBI training materials “Under certain circumstances, the FBI has the ability to bend or suspend the law to impinge on the freedom of others.”

I would like to know what circumstances warrant breaking the law.

A recent article from The Guardian sights FBI spokesman Christopher Allen.

FBI spokesman Christopher Allen said that the FBI review of its training materials, which began last September, had in fact shown that the vast majority adhered to FBI standards.

The article goes on to state

Last week the FBI publicized a three-page document, produced by a panel of experts, on the principles to be used in agency training. It is called “FBI’s Guiding Principles: Touchstone Document on Training” and explicitly states all actions carried out by the FBI must be constitutional.

If all actions carried out by the FBI must be constitutional then why does the FBI train agents to bend or suspend the law to impinge on the freedom of others?

My father is a retired Army Major and he once told me “If I had a problem with one of my men it was always a training problem.” Right now the FBI has a training problem and Senator Durbin insists that the FBI needs to retrain it’s agents.

I urge all of my readers to contact the FBI and to let them know how you feel about this outrage.

FBI Headquarters
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
(202) 324-3000

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