Help save this woman’s life.

We need healthcare reform, but we need to save Lori Jo first.  I ran across this picture on my Facebook news feed and I just had to do something to help, so I’m posting it here on my blog.  D-rock Deeds Originally posted this last night.

LISTEN UP FACEBOOK FAM, I have been trying to raise money for my band to tour cali/germany this year threw a kickstarter program, instead of donating money for that( ILL GET THERE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER) i want every-one to donate what ever they can to help my friend Lori-jo get her lung transplant we are trying to raise 25,000 dollars to save her life,LORI-JO means more to me then my music carreer or tour,so TOO ALL OF MY FAMOUS ROCKER FRIENDS THAT ARE WELL OFF U KNOW WHO U ARE!!! PLEASE DIG DEEP AND HELP US RAISE THE MONEY IF U CAN ONLY DONATE YOUR FAMOUS BANDS TIME TO PERFORM WITH ME THAT NIGHT THAT WOULD BE AWESOME SO FROM PIGGY D, D.J ABBA, SEBASTION BACH , TO TOMMI LEE AND MOTLEY CRUE LETS SAVE A LIFE TOGETHER !!! MUSIC IS LIFE AND TOGETHER WE ALL WILL SAVE HERS!!!!
If anyone has any further information please let me know.  In the meantime I will spread the word.  It’s terrible that this woman’s life is at stake for the want of money.  She is a human being and deserves to be treated as such by the medical community.

2 Responses to Help save this woman’s life.

  1. Reblogged this on loudouncrazymom and commented:
    I’m sharing this because I have an 18-year-old daughter with cystic fibrosis. Please share this blog if you are so moved. As my pastor says, there is not a shortage of money or people willing to help. We just have to connect the two. I will forever be a CF mom, and am awed by the courage of every person who lives their life battling cystic fibrosis.

  2. Doug Whitewolf Chiles says:

    You are the MAN D-Rock… When you, Tomi Stotler, & Chris Navarro came and played at last years LORI JO BENEFIT, I could see how committed yall were to Giveing Back, this time around you have steped way up to the plate and set the bar high… Your Professionalism and Commitment is why LORI JO requested you three to come back for the 2nd ANNUAL *LORI JO • NO FEAR BENEFIT* being held this MAY 2012, in RICHMOND VA… $ 25000.00 Needs to be raised, monumental no doubt, but achievable… Thanks D for Everything … From LORI JO, her Family & Friends, Blessings My Friend…

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